AEPA Enrolled Sires for 2011
* A Noble Cause * A Temptation * AA Apollo Bey * Afire Bey V * Afires Heir * Afires Vision * Allience * Anza Padron * Apollopalooza (not for sale in auction) * Apaladin * Aregal Heir TRGR * Baske Afire * Baskghazi * Brass (not for sale in auction) * Black Daniels * Can Gogh * Candeman * Cytosk * Delovely WF * DS Major Afire * DS Mick Jagger * GSF Pure Fuzion * GSF Rizing Son * H Mobility H * HA Toskcan Sun * Hey Hallelujah * Hucks Connection V * Hucksbar * IXL Noble Express * Mamage * Mariachi WA * MHR Nobility (not for sale in auction) * My Fire Bey * Nobilistic BF * Noble Way * On The Mark * Prosuasion * Proximus CA * PS Afire Chief * QH Manolete * Ronde Vu * SF Aftershoc * SF Specs Shocwave * SHF Encore * TC Miyake * The Renaissance * Triften * Tryst CCF * VCP Magnifire * Vegaz * VJ Justaberry Bey * Yahtzzee * Young Money
AEPA Enrolled Sires for 2010
* A Noble Cause * Aficionado * Anza Padron * Apollopalooza * A Temptation * AA Apollo Bey * Afire Bey V * Afires Heir * Afires Vision * Allience * Apaladin * Aria Mobility * Baske Afire * Baskghazi * Black Daniels * Bonne Vivant * Brass * Brave And Noble * Brush Fire V * Can Gogh * CP Ambition * Cytosk * DA Tripolli * DA Ultimatum * DS Major Afire * DS Mick Jagger * GSF Pure Fuzion * GSF Rizing Son * Heir To Glory * Hey Hallelujah * H Mobility H * Hucks Connection V * Hucksbar * IXL Noble Express * Justify * LLC Mobility * Mamage * Mariachi WA * Matoi * MHR Nobility * Mizter President VA * My Fire Bey * Navajo Moun * Nobilistic BF * Noble Way * On The Mark * Paloozas Legacy * Pension * PS Afire Chief * Pyro Thyme SA * QH Manolete * SF Aftershoc * SF Specs Shocwave * SHF Encore * Sir Magni Feke * The Hurricane * The Nobelest * The Renaissance * Triften * VCP Magnifire * Vegaz
AEPA Enrolled Sires for 2009
* A Noble Cause * A Temptation * AA Apollo Bey * Afire Bey V * Afires Heir * Afires Vision * Allience * Anza Padron * Apaladin * Aploz * Apollopalooza * Baskghazi * Baske Afire * Bonne Vivant * Brass * Brave and Noble * Brush Fire V * Can Gogh * Chaparral DGL * Citationn * Comoshun * CP Ambition * Cytosk * DA Tripolli * DA Ultimatum * DS Major Afire * DS Mick Jagger * El Ghazi * Gitar MF * GSF Pure Fuzion * H Mobility H * Heir To Glory * Hey Hallelujah * Hucks Connection V * Hucksbar * IXL Noble Express * JR Maxamilian * Justify * Mamage * Mariachi WA * Matoi * Matrifik * Mattaffair * MHR Nobility * My Fire Bey * Mr. Ames CRF * Navajo Moun * Nobilistic BF * Noble Way * On The Mark * Pension * PS Afire Chief * Pyro Thyme SA * QH Manolete * Ronde Vu * RS Noble Heir * SF Specs Shocwave * SHF Encore * The Nobelest * Triften * Turn it Up * VCP Magnifire * Vegaz
AEPA Enrolled Sires for 2008
* A Noble Cause * A Temptation * AA Apollo Bey * Afire Bey V * Afires Heir * Afires Vision * Allience * Apaladin * Aploz * Apollopalooza * Baskghazi * Baske Afire * Bel Aire V * Bonne Vivant * Brass * Brush Fire V * Chaparral DGL * Citationn * Comoshun * CP Ambition * Cytosk * CZ Victor * DA Tripolli * DA Valentino * DS Major Afire * DS Mick Jagger * El Ghazi * Fairview Klassique * Gitar MF * GSF Pure Fuzion * Guns Afire * Heir To Glory * Hey Hallelujah * HF Mister Chips * Hucks Connection V * Hucksbar * IXL Aroundofaploz * IXL Noble Express * JR Maximilian * Justafire DGL * Justify * Klutep * Krewe * Mamage * Mariachi WA * Matoi * Matrifik * Mattaffair * MHR Nobility * Musik Man * Navajo Moun * Nobilistic BF * Noble Way * On The Mark * Pension * PF Phar Lap * Promotion * PS Afire Chief * Pyro Thyme SA * RS Noble Heir * SF Specs Shocwave * Shaddofax * Silverado Bey * Sparkin Afire * TC Miyake * The Huricane * The Nobelest * Triften * VCP Magnifire * Vegaz * Young MC
AEPA Enrolled Sires for 2007
* A Major Fire * A Noble Cause * AA Apollo Bey * Afire Bey V * Afires Heir * Afires Vision * Aladdinn Ala Wish * Allience * Apaladin * Aploz * Apollopalooza * A Temptation * Baske Afire * Basquero PR * Baywatch V * Bellagio PR * Brass * Brush Fire V * Chaparral DGL * Citationn * Cytosk * DS Mick Jagger * El Ghazi * Gitar MF * GSF Pure Fuzion * Heir To Glory * Hey Hallelujah * HF Mister Chips * HS Justatemptation * Hucksbar * Hucks Connection V * IXL Noble Express * Justafire DGL * Mamage * Mariachi WA * Matoi * Mattaffair * Navajo Moun * Noble Way * On The Mark * SF Specs Shocwave * Silverado Bey * The Firelord * The Huricane * Triften * Vegaz * Young MC